- You should have a business or planning on launching one in the near future!
- 1 hour on-demand video
- 5 downloadable resources
- Access to secret articles and links
- Full lifetime access
- Access on mobile and other devices
- Certificate of completion (Upon Request)
Target audiences
- Small business owners who want to grow their business more quickly
- Coaches, Speakers, Thought-Leaders and Self employed individuals
- Solopreneur service providers who are 60 to 70% capacity and need to fill their practice/ business with high paying clients
Everything you Need to Run a One-Person Business
Over 50 Students in the first 48 hours of Launch!
What you Get:
- A 1 hour Step-By-Step guide on all you need to know to run a solo business and how to Make money online
- A 54 Page Step-By-Step E-book on all you need to know to run a solo business and how to Make money online
- Checklist – Guide – Your personal success guide
- Resource Cheat Sheet – Links to 12 powerful resources to ensure you become successful
- The Mindmap – Cover Goal setting, Self promotion, Networking, Working with professionals and more
- Unlimited Download Limits
- Unlimited Access to Course
- And so much more
This course is part of my Small Local Business & Solopreneur Marketing Series! Great for service providers like Speakers, Self employed marketers, Side-hustlers, wellness professionals, coaches, consultants, and more!
As a solopreneur, you would be in complete and total control of your business. That means less stress at work, which you would likely enjoy much more.
Many solopreneurs are creative. They may sell their art, designs, written content, or other works. Plenty of freelancers can also be considered solopreneurs.
If you have something you love doing each day, you can use it to make a business. When we are doing what we love, we are happier and much more productive.
Solopreneurs need to know how to use their time effectively. You will want to spend time on only important tasks, so that your business can grow. If you struggle with time management, you will need to work on that as a solopreneur. There are plenty of methods that you can try.
Topics covered:
- 3 Amazing Solopreneur Success Stories
- 3 Tips For a Healthy Work-to-Break Ratio as a Solopreneur
- 4 Shocking Ways Your Children Can Help Grow Your Solopreneur Business
- 5 Amazing Tips Successful Solopreneurs Want To Keep Secret
- 5 Best Free Resources For Solopreneurs
- 5 Helpful Tax Tips All Solopreneurs Should Know
- 5 Pandemic-Safe Solopreneur Networking Ideas
- 5 Tips for Using Social Media to Promote Your Solopreneur Business
- Staying Motivated as a Solopreneur
- Top 5 Solopreneur Ideas to Try at Home
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