Flexible Meeting
Learn how to design a professional quality website in Photoshop CC.In a world where first impressions count and business is becoming more competitive, it would be foolish to go with the crowd. You have to act different to make a impact so that you will be remembered when the rest are forgotten. Often times, traditional business cards reflects your name, position in the company and contact details…not very inspiring. Full colour business cards might be a better option, but once again. During the course we’ll create this website for a mock creative agency - creating mobile and desktop versions. With exercise files you can download and work along with me.

These are the skills employers want. UI/UX design skills are where the high paying jobs are at. I built this course for beginners. For the people nervous about changing their careers into web design – as well as for developers who lack any design skills. No experience in Photoshop or web design is necessary before taking this class.

During the course we’ll create this website for a mock creative agency – creating mobile and desktop versions. With exercise files you can download and work along with me. While we’ll start right at the basics we’ll move quickly into the professional tricks of the trade.

These are the skills employers want. UI/UX design skills are where the high paying jobs are at. I built this course for beginners. For the people nervous about changing their careers into web design – as well as for developers who lack any design skills. No experience in Photoshop or web design is necessary before taking this class.